Sunday, March 13, 2011

Delray Beach hosts the 43rd St. Patty's Day Parade

Delray Beach's 43rd annuual St. Patricks Day parade reached an audience of 85,000 people this year. From A1A to Swinton Ave. Atlantic Ave. was flooded with fire trucks, floats and marching bands.

Some of the floats included a Monster Energy truck that handed out energy drinks and the Delray Delivery Dudes float that tossed koozies while their sponsored band Small Town Gypsys rocked the Ave. The band performed the national anthem at the Grand Stand in front of the Old School Square where parade-goers crossed their hand over their heart.

The weather ended up bein ideal for a parade and everything went smoothly....even with 85,000 people.

(picture to follow)

1 comment:

  1. Kayley,

    Thanks for the write up on DD!
    Email me sometime so we can discuss some collaborations!


    Jonathan Marquez
